Sunday, December 24, 2006


Ward Houses ( Semtevleri) in Balcova

Balcova is a sub-district within the metropolitan Izmir. The mayor of Balcova is Mr.Mehmet Ali Calkaya, who was elected mayor in 2004. He started social projects and one of them is the "Semtevleri Projesi" ( Ward Houses Project). Several ward houses were opened in Balcova and the women have taken courses in making handicrafts. They have sold what they have made and so earned money. In this way they have contributed to their family budgets. While in Izmir, you can visit one of these "semtevi" and purchase handicrafts made by the women of Balcova. Some tourist groups have already visited the ward houses and contributed to them.
Address: Çetin Emeç Mah. Duygu Sok. Öðretmenler Sit.Balcova
Phone: Semtevi-t : +90.232.278 69 61
Directions: Close to wednesday market
Other Contact: Mail :

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