Sunday, December 24, 2006

Brian Rowbotham

Brian Rowbotham With A Life Dedicated to Izmir Tourism

I want to inform about Brian Rowbotham working on Izmir tourism. Brian Rowbotham has devoted himself to the development of tourism in Izmir, called Smyrna in the past. His starting point is that while Izmir was the pearl of The Levant ( Eastern Mediterranean Area) appreciated by amongst others Heredotus, Alexander the Great and Victor Hugo, now it is conceived as a messed up city. He strongly criticizes this conception of Izmir. He has started a website called "Izmir For You" with the address "" as a basis for his thoughts about Izmir. He thinks that tens of thousands of tourists to Izmir would not be a problem. So have a look at his website before or while you are here in Izmir.

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